Spark podcast, upcoming events, and more!
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MacPFD Blast:
Delivering development to your inbox

MacPFD is pleased to offer new digital content and we are continually developing new resources to support faculty development. This newsletter will regularly highlight featured content and promote our blogs, podcasts, recorded webinars and other online resources.
Mindful Self-Compassion: 9-week virtual course and retreat


Join us for Mindful Self Compassion course, an experiential curriculum for all health care providers which uses didactic teaching, experiential work including group, large and small, interpersonal work as well as individual work. We will meet for 2 1/2 hours each Tuesday (Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8:00pm from January 26 โ€“ March 23, 2021) and will have a half-day retreat (February 27, 2021 - 9:30am - 1:30pm).   

Faculty of Health Sciences Women's Symposium 2021: Leading Healthcare and Beyond


On Wednesday, April 28, 2021, we will be holding our inaugural Women's Symposium on the theme of "Leading Healthcare and Beyond". We are really excited to have some amazing speakers from all parts of healthcare and academia.

Calling all mentors and coaches!


The MacPFD Coaching & Mentoring team is recruiting individuals who are interested in being part of a roster. The aim will be to create a Coaching & Mentoring registry that will seek to support those looking for coaching & mentoring. Consider stepping up to be part of our team by filling out this survey.

Spark podcast episodes 8
Tips for Junior Faculty | Pain and Pleasure of Writing

In the eighth episode of MacPFD Spark, Dr. Alim Nagji will be discussing tips for junior educators in the health sciences with Dr. Kevin Dong. Afterwards, we will be listening in on the pleasure and pain of writing, including some strategies for managing the writing process with Dr. Lara Varpio. New Spark episodes launch on a biweekly basis - with exception for special event and themed episodes - so be sure to check back often for more content to help you grow and enhance your career in the health sciences!


Featured Guest(s) - Dr. Kevin Dong and Dr. Lara Varpio
Interviewer(s) - Dr. Alim Nagji and Dr. Teresa Chan


Listen on Web, SoundCloud, or Apple Podcasts

Featured Faculty Tastemaker

The MacPFD tastemaker series brings you interesting insights from our facultyโ€™s brightest leaders, educators, and scholars. If you have insights youโ€™d like to share, please click here to submit your suggested resource. 

Do you want to be a tastemaker?
In case you missed it... 

This month we feature two videos that we think will resonate with you. 


First off is the CHAT Series: Women in Academia. CHAT stands for Conversations in Healthcare, Academia, and Teaching. This series focuses on common issues encountered by women in the FHS. Click here to watch! 

The second is a recording of Lessons From the First American Pandemic: Racism by Dr. Joshua Ellis, medical education fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Click here to watch! 

Recorded Events

We know not everyone can make it to our โ€œliveโ€ events, so weโ€™ve been archiving them for you to review/enjoy later! Here are recent recorded events that you may find interesting:

New CHAT Series! 


Have you ever worked with more than one organization or team and experienced challenges in priority setting in one or both areas? Leaders in Canadian academic health sciences centres (AHSCs) experience this as well! Rarely are priorities between the academic and hospital worlds well-bridged which leads to a growing divide. Miscommunications and tensions follow. How to resolve this? We are running a brand-new Bridging Leaders Program and want to invite you to join us for open-access monthly Leadership CHAT sessions. I am delighted to host these sessions, and welcome all to attend, expand your networks, and discuss various leadership challenges you are facing! Register below. Questions?

- Sarrah Lal, Assistant Professor, Division of Education & Innovation (DEI)

Wed., Jan 20, 2021, 12-1 pm EST 

Managing People and Resources in Times of Crisis

Speaker: Dr. Davy Cheng



Thurs., Feb. 11, 2021, 8-9 pm EST

Putting LEADS into Practice

Speaker: Graham Dickson



Thurs., Mar. 11, 2021, 8-9 pm EST

Future-Proof: Building Leadership Skills for Tomorrow

Speaker: Dr. John Van Aerde



Thurs., Apr. 8, 2021, 8-9 pm EST

Team Wellness Starts with You

Speaker: Dr. Mithu Sen & Dr. Mamta Gautam



Thurs., May. 13, 2021, 12-1 pm EST

Building a Data-Driven Organizational Culture

Speaker: Zahava Uddin



Thurs., June, 10, 2021, 12-1 pm EST

Navigating Complexity to Align Teams and Drive Results

Speaker: Rebecca Repa



Looking for the latest McMaster Program for Faculty Development events?  Click on the button below to view our event listings!

Featured Events & Courses


Clinical Health Innovation Program

๐Ÿ“…Cohort 2: July-Dec 2021

Application due May 20, 2021
Fees Required
Discounted rate for
Mac Faculty & Staff!

Limited enrolment. Apply now!

Info: Click here
Apply now: Click here


Mindful Self-Compassion

๐Ÿ“… Tuesdays, Jan 26 - Mar 23 2021 5:30 - 8:00pm EST

Retreat: Feb 27, 2021

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Fees Required - Limited spots available

Info: Click here

Registration: Click here


FHS Women's Symposium

Co-developed by the Department of Medicine's Associate Chair, Equity & Inclusion

๐Ÿ“… Wed., April 28, 2021

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Fees Required

Info: Click here

Registration: Click here


Upcoming Events & Courses


MacTutorial Essentials

๐Ÿ“…Wed., Jan 13, 2020

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info: Click here

(Registration by emailing Jennifer Bowen)


MacPFD Leadership & Management Team Presents

In Times of Crisis: Managing people and resources
๐Ÿ“…Wed., Jan 20, 2021, 12-1pm

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info: Click here


New Faculty Orientation:
A Mac ademia Explorer Event

A multi-campus event.

Two upcoming events:

๐Ÿ“…Thurs, Jan 21, 2021


๐Ÿ“…Tues, Jan 26, 2021

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info: Coming Soon


QUEST program

๐Ÿ“…Sign up to be a beta-tester for the new MacPFD learning system.

Testing will begin in early 2021.

Limited spots available

Click here to Sign Up for the Beta-Test Run of our QUEST system.



Direct Observation and Feedback Workshop

๐Ÿ“… Wed. Feb 3, 2021, 12:30-4pm ET

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info & Registration with PGMEO:
Click here


MacPFD Leadership & Management Team Presents

Putting LEADS into Practice
๐Ÿ“…Thurs., Feb. 11, 2021, 8-9pm ET
๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually
Info: Click here


MacPFD Leadership & Management Team Presents
Future-Proof: Building Leadership Skills for Tomorrow
๐Ÿ“…Thurs., March 11, 2021, 12-1pm (noon) ET
๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually
Info: Click here


MacPFD Leadership & Management Team Presents

Leaders: Team Wellness Starts With You
๐Ÿ“…Thurs., April 8, 2021, 8-9pm ET
๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually
Info: Click here



Competence Committees: Getting Started

๐Ÿ“… Wed. Apr 14, 2021,
6-8pm ET

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info & Registration with PGMEO:
Click here



Competence Committees: Issues and Solutions

๐Ÿ“… Wed. Apr 14, 2021,
6-8pm ET

๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info & Registration with PGMEO:
Click here



Academic Coaching 2.0: Beyond the Basics

๐Ÿ“… Wed. May 5, 2021


๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually

Info & Registration with PGMEO:
Click here


MacPFD Leadership & Management Team Presents

Building a Data-Driven Organizational Culture
๐Ÿ“…Thurs., May 13, 2021, 12-1pm
๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually
Info: Click here


MacPFD Leadership & Management Team Presents

Navigating Complexity to Align Teams and Drive Results

๐Ÿ“…June. 10, 2021, 12-1pm
๐Ÿ’ป Delivered virtually
Info: Click here


Questions? Contact us at

*Activities are subject to change

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